Can you trust your jeweller with your valuables?

Similar to a dentist, accountant, or anyone dealing with your personal information, a jeweller handles items which may be of great personal and emotional significance to you, often irreplaceable items which also may be of high monetary value. Your jeweller’s protocol when handling your valuables should thus be exemplary. Unfortunately, few people, sadly also some jewellers, […]

Healing Gems

Since the beginning of recorded history, almost every culture – Indian, Egyptian, Mayan and Greek… and many Native peoples, has placed an extraordinary amount of value on precious gems. Gems came to be used in astrology as well, to counteract the negative influence of the planets.  In ancient eastern medicine, gemstones and gem elixirs played […]


Do you want a certified 1.00ct D SI1 brilliant cut for $7 000 or $4 000?   Your choice, buy a ‘dog’ if you wish. To price a diamond today is everybody’s nightmare. Blame it on technology, the internet, business acumen, or whatever. In the past, the 4 Cs were enough. Not anymore. In recent years, […]

Discover Your Birthstone

There is a gemstone with specific meaning to you. It depends in which month you were born. A gemstone which is associated with a specific month in the Gregorian Calendar is called a “BIRTHSTONE.” The tradition of birthstones stems from the 12 gems set in the breastplate of Aaron, the Hebrew high priest. These gems […]

Gem Scams on the Internet

Today, internet-savvy buyers have some idea how diamonds are valued and have access to the wholesale Rapaport Price Report. The elaborate guarantees, fancy certificates and ‘bargain prices’ offered by obscure websites, tempt them to order such diamonds via the internet. Unfortunately, they do not know how to use price lists and what determines a fair […]