Gemstones For The Modern Man

Men are becoming bolder and are making fashion statements in wearing ‘manly jewellery’ set with relatively inexpensive gemstones. Traditionally, the most popular gems worn by men were neutral coloured such as black onyx or agate, grey moonstone and mother of pearl. However, the more adventurous gentlemen today, wear bold coloured gems such as dark red […]
How Is Fine Jewellery Made

If you know the basics of how jewellery is made, you will appreciate your ring more, and will be able to make an informed choice between handmade jewellery and those that were mass-produced. Herewith a short description of the manufacturing processes in use today. Handmade items Firstly, a designer makes a detailed sketch in which […]
How to Design Your Own Jewellery

Knowing what makes good design will help you create your own ring and/or make you appreciate the skill of the designer. First, some theory of design, followed by how to use these design principles. THEORY OF DESIGN Elements of design can either be conceptual, such as a notion, an idea, an impression or a symbolic […]
Selling Your Jewellery

Do you need to sell your jewellery? Here is good advice offered by Dr Petre Prins: You may own or have inherited unwanted jewellery, and wish to sell it. Where to go? Where not to be ripped off? Below are different routes to take, each with its own restrictions. CASH OFFERS FROM DEALERS You can […]
How to find her Ring Size

You want to surprise her but do not have her finger size. Here is what you can do. * Play nonchalantly with a ring of hers and remember over which of your knuckles it goes perfectly. Your jeweller can then take the size of your knuckle. * Measure with a caliper, or even a tape […]
Rings That Won’t Come Off

Wedding band won’t come off? – you can lose your finger. When your knuckles get larger with age or when you gain weight, your rings will start to push into flesh and may become impossible to take off. This can be dangerous. The blood vessels taking blood from the finger are located below the skin […]