Prins & Prins is committed to operational practices that are socially and environmentally responsible and acceptable, including the following:

We believe that mining should be a privilege and that the value of recreation and conservation should weigh more than the extraction of wealth from our soil.

Our way of doing business reflects the standards we set in corporate governance, ethics, service delivery and human rights.

Prins & Prins supports the Kimberley Process and will not sell conflict diamonds and/or diamonds from the Zimbabwean or any other diamond fields where human rights abuses have been documented.

Prins & Prins supports the Green Gold movement and will ensure that any gold or platinum we sell has been processed and manufactured in ways that are environmentally and socially responsible. Hazardous waste from our workshop is safely disposed of according to the regulations of the Department of Health and Safety.

In all our business and manufacturing activities we are focused on energy saving in order to make a contribution in the fight against global warming. We use low energy lighting, have powered down computer monitors and water heating cylinders, use recycled products and ensure that the company waste is recycled. We encourage car pooling and the use of public transport for our staff.

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